Etsy vs. eBay: My First Week Selling T-Shirts and What I've LearnedEtsy vs. eBay: My First Week Selling T-Shirts and What I've Learned

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Today marks one week since I launched various T-shirt designs and products on Etsy and eBay. As of now, the registers haven’t rung—no sales yet. But there’s more to the story than just numbers.

While I’ve garnered views, they haven’t translated into purchases. eBay has brought a few interested watchers, but as we all know, watching isn’t buying. It’s a start, though, and every journey begins with small steps.

I had the wonderful opportunity to consult with an Etsy Star seller—a master of her craft. After a thorough review of my store, she shared invaluable tips. I’ve started implementing her suggestions, and the early signs are encouraging: views on Etsy are ticking upwards. There’s more work to do, more tweaks to be made. I’m hopeful that these changes will not only draw more eyes to my designs but eventually convert these views into sales.

Now, eBay is a different story. I’m introspecting whether it’s the right platform for my venture. While some suggest waiting for at least two weeks to make a sale, I’m on the fence. Should I continue investing time and effort there? I’ll give it another week, but if the winds don’t change, it might be time to rethink.

Despite these teething troubles, my spirits remain high. I relish the creative process—from ideating designs to uploading them. The key now is visibility. And with guidance from my Etsy coach, I believe I’m on the right path.

This is just a brief snapshot of my journey with Etsy and eBay so far. Fingers crossed, the next update will bring more cheerful news. Stay tuned, and thank you for being a part of this exciting voyage!

By The Inspiring Dad

A husband and dad wanting to inspire you!

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