Is Selling on Etsy/eBay with POD True Entrepreneurship?Is Selling on Etsy/eBay with POD True Entrepreneurship?

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The entrepreneurial spirit has always been about pushing boundaries, creating something new, and navigating the rough waters of the business world. However, in this digital age, there’s a debate brewing: Is selling on platforms like Etsy and eBay, especially with Print on Demand (POD), true entrepreneurship?

Defining Entrepreneurship:
Traditionally, an entrepreneur is someone who initiates, creates, and manages a business venture, taking on the risks and enjoying the rewards. By this definition, the method of selling shouldn’t matter. Whether it’s in a brick-and-mortar store, an online marketplace, or via a dropshipping model, it’s still entrepreneurship.

The Case for Etsy/eBay Sellers Being Entrepreneurs:

  1. Risk Taking: Every Etsy or eBay store owner takes a risk. From investing in designs, spending on ads, to listing fees, there’s financial and time investment at stake.
  2. Innovation: With millions of sellers, standing out requires innovation. Designing unique products, creating compelling listings, or offering exceptional customer service – these are innovations that make a seller successful.
  3. Management: Running an Etsy or eBay store requires wearing many hats. You’re a designer, a marketer, a customer service rep, and a manager. This multi-tasking encapsulates the very essence of entrepreneurship.

Why Some Skeptics Doubt:

  1. Platform Dependency: Critics argue that being bound to platforms like Etsy or eBay limits one’s entrepreneurial freedom. They believe real entrepreneurs create their platforms.
  2. Low Barrier to Entry: With platforms making it relatively easy to start, some feel it dilutes the essence of traditional entrepreneurship.
  3. Dropshipping & POD: The idea that one doesn’t maintain an inventory and relies on third-party providers for product creation and delivery, like in POD, makes some question the legitimacy of such a venture as entrepreneurship.

Revisiting the Definition:
At its core, entrepreneurship is about identifying opportunities, being innovative, and creating value. If a person can carve a niche for themselves on Etsy or eBay, offer unique products via POD, and manage their venture profitably, they’re embodying the entrepreneurial spirit.

Platforms like Etsy and eBay are just modern marketplaces. Just as setting up a stall in a local market was considered entrepreneurship decades ago, setting up an online store in today’s digital marketplace is no different. It’s simply entrepreneurship evolved.

Final Thoughts:
In an age where business dynamics are shifting rapidly, holding onto traditional definitions can be limiting. The spirit of entrepreneurship is alive and thriving in the digital world, even if it looks a bit different. Selling on Etsy, eBay, or any other online platform using models like POD is a testament to modern-day entrepreneurship. Anyone dismissing it is likely overlooking the broader picture of what it means to be an entrepreneur in today’s world.

What are your thoughts? Do you think someone having an Etsy and eBay store is considered an entrepreneur? Why or why not? Leave a comment below and let’s get the discussion started!

Thanks for reading!


By The Inspiring Dad

A husband and dad wanting to inspire you!

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